Knowing what to do

Where does it come from, the feeling of knowing what the right thing is to do? When you’re presented with various choices, what do you choose? On which criteria? Based on what expected outcome? I often find myself struggling to choose right instead of wrong, and I’ve found a great “tool” that helps me in…

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Design for behavior change

In one of my early blog entries (“Small car? Half priced parking!”) I talked about finding the right incentive to change people’s behavior. The case was cheaper parking for smaller cars. Now, it seems, there’s an emerging field called ‘design for behavior change’. This field touches upon the exact same thing: finding the right incentives…

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Design for Designers?

It’s always interesting being introduced to a work domain that you haven’t been in previously. Trying to understand how people think, work and interact in the product design community makes me see a lot of weird things going on. One of my first realisations was that a great deal of product designers are designing stuff…

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Improve or don’t

When making industrial design products you’re very likely also trying to innovate or even invent new concepts (unless you’re solely into ‘styling’). And while that is certainly the goal for many, and although ocassionally you stumble upon some true innovative concepts, in my opinion you’re most likely looking at “micro innovation” or – more plainly…

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Microsoft bashing

I’m really trying to convince myself into NOT writing this post – it’s against my aim to be zen and not become angry at the world. But being a daily user of Microsoft software (currently Windows 7 + Office 2007) I just HAVE to lift these things off my chest. So please…just ignore this post….

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The Bug Factor

So, you bought that painting half a year ago and you were quick to decide where to hang it; then why is it still standing on the floor leaning towards the wall? And those new wooden panels you installed over a year ago, why haven’t they been painted yet? And why didn’t you fix the…

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Everyday improvements

I read an interesting article this weekend. Supposedly Danes are very good at coming up with ideas to solving everyday problems, like the invention of the induction bicycle light Reelight that solves the problem of replacing batteries. I guess the reason for Danes being good at this, comes from our profound ability to grumble about…

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