How to be (a bit more) professional

Cash flow graph

If you’re the type, like me, who likes numbers and plans (*), here are some tips from the top of my head…

Guide to creating good business cases:

  • do proper market research
  • find realistic market numbers
  • be specific about your assumptions
  • build a proper model that can be reused for future products
  • build various business cases based on the model

Now, insert your business case numbers into your overall business plan:

  • be specific about your different cost elements
  • create a profit & loss (P&L) model
  • build a cash flow model in order to track your financial situation
  • create a sales model with input from your business cases

…go sell!


*) and even if you’re not, you should seriously consider reading into these things if you’re a start-up company – feel free to ask me questions using the comments feature!
