Eight quick social media tips

I stumbled upon this great video by Lewis Howes that – in all its snappiness (5:48) – has eight excellent tips to help you get started doing self promotion/personal branding using social media…and I assume the tips work equally well if you’re promoting your company and/or concepts. The video is almost a year old but was recently promoted by Guy Kawasaki which is probably why it surfaced in a blog entry on Harvard Business Review (great site btw – Elisabeth, thanks for the recommendation).

For those of you reading this at work (or other places where playing a video with the sound on is not a very good idea), I’ve extracted the eight tips:

  1. You gotta be yourself
  2. Get active on at least the top three major social networking sites: Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn
  3. You gotta provide awesome, awesome content
  4. Be smart with your time
  5. Be consistent
  6. Promote others
  7. Connect face-to-face with individuals
  8. Thank others as much as possible

This is great stuff for those of you who are just beginning to use social media strategically.
Anyways, here’s the video – enjoy :)
